Saturday, February 18, 2012


I confess, I love beautiful cakes and cupcakes. BUT, my guys at home hate extremely sweet toppings. So when a friend wrote in a forum about the wonderful Primrose Bakery 's book, I was warned to taste some recipes before shopping.
So I found the Coffee cupcakes  recipe and tested it for my husband's Birthday.

The cake is wonderful, the butter-cream icing too sweet. So I tried a version that include cream cheese. It tasted good, but it isn't appropriate for beautiful decorations, because it's too smooth.
I prepared some chocolate cupcakes for my kid and covered with a green icing (His favorite color)
Actually this is more choreographic so we choose it as Bday cake ;P

Monday, February 13, 2012

Napul'è... Pizza!

Food in my family is a big issue, even Kid1 loves Food Network's programs. Last week his favorite Cook prepared Le pizzelle and he put them in his "to do" list.
So, when we planned to eat Pizza he reminded me to leave some dough for this recipe.
Pizzelle al pomodoro ingredients:
  • Pizza dough
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mozzarella, It has to be very good, otherwise use Parmigiano (as we did)
  • Fresh basil (we put it in the sauce)
  • Oil
Take a ball of dough (As big as a ping-pong ball) and model it in a 5cm disc, be careful not to press to much the dough. Fry it in hot oil until both sides are light brown, turning the disc a couple of time. Use kitchen paper to absorb the exceeding oil, than dress the fried discs with tomato sauce and Parmigiano.  

The second wish came from my husband and was the Pizza Napoletana. I know that in Naples the so called pizza isn't the same, but we are used to call it this way... As the rest of the world call Bolognese sauce our Ragù :-)


Friday, February 10, 2012


Yesterday my husband came back from Germany and brought back those delicious Bretzel

We lived in the south of the Country several years and of course, we became addicted to some German things. Actually I miss so much their Bäckerei with so many breads and cakes.
I never tried to bake them, than if I could find a nice receipt in the www I'll post it with my result ;P
For the moment I cook a German dinner with Wurst and Potato salad, here my tested receipt:

Klassisch Schwäbisch Kartoffelnsalat
1 kg Potatoes
A small sweet onion
4-5 tbsp Vinegar
4-5 tbsp Olive oil
125 ml warm Stock
1 tsp Mustard
Salt & pepper
Boil potatoes with their peel. Chop the onion in very small pieces, add salt and vinegar and let the mix apart. When the potatoes are ready let them warm,  than peel them and slice in small pieces. Mix all ingredients in a bowl and let rest the salad for minimun a couple of hours. You can serve it warm or cold, it tastes delicious in both way.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The versatile Blogger

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

Come blogger alle prime armi Grazie a ERHCPE per il suo incoraggiamento! 
I'm a newbe Blogger, so thank you ERHCPE for your support!

VBA Rules:
  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Ed ora le regole del gioco:
  • Ringraziate che vi ha citato. Almeno per cortesia ;)
  • Includete un link al loro blog
  • Poi, nominate e linkate 15 blog che vi sembrano interessanti da segnalare;
  •  scrivete 7 fatti che vi riguardano alla persona che vi ha nominato. 

7 things about me to share:
  1. I love food. I like to cook, to learn, to read about it and also to eat ;P
  2. I love books. I read everything, the genre depends only on my mood
  3. I love pictures. Fix and share moments, that's my blog's essence
  4. I love traveling.
  5. I love the WWW. I was born in 1974, so when I was a teenager there was only one thing that gave you the immediate opportunity to have contact with the rest of the World: Music. Now you can surf and read, see, hear whatever you want from every Globe's corner! 
  6. I love to be a mum.
  7. I collected postcards. I've hundreds of them... Maybe someday they'll become Vintage stuff :D
And now my favorites Blogs (working progress)
  • Maggie Stiefvater 's blog. She wrote "The  Wolves of Mercy Falls" trilogy, the amazing story of Grace and Sam. She's a real talented writer, don't mis Shiver and her posts ;D

  • Lisa's blog thenocturnallibrary. When I'm looking for something to read, I can always count with her reviews for inspiration ;P
  •  Anemone's corner is a fancy blog, rich of very beautiful pictures and ideas
  • Sarachan's blog: bloggoloso is great not only because she can create faboulous cakes, but she wrote very useful and detailed tutorials :D
  • Chiaretta's blog: sprazzidicreativita. She's really a superwoman :-)
to be continued...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Italian Journey

My husband challenged me, I've to prepare dinner for a friend of his coming from the other side of the planet and let him taste some real Italian home made food.
No problem at all, except I've too many recipes in mind! Would someone give me some advices?

As appetizer I'll make something classic. I think that Prosciutto and Salame with a cheeses' selection could be fine.
The dessert is an other Must: Tiramisù.  
But in the middle?! Actually I'm oriented to do one of those:
  1. Lasagne
  2. Strozzapreti alla Norcina and Arista al forno 
  3. Pasta alla Norma and Rotolo di Vitello
 Any preference?
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