Monday, February 13, 2012

Napul'è... Pizza!

Food in my family is a big issue, even Kid1 loves Food Network's programs. Last week his favorite Cook prepared Le pizzelle and he put them in his "to do" list.
So, when we planned to eat Pizza he reminded me to leave some dough for this recipe.
Pizzelle al pomodoro ingredients:
  • Pizza dough
  • Tomato sauce
  • Mozzarella, It has to be very good, otherwise use Parmigiano (as we did)
  • Fresh basil (we put it in the sauce)
  • Oil
Take a ball of dough (As big as a ping-pong ball) and model it in a 5cm disc, be careful not to press to much the dough. Fry it in hot oil until both sides are light brown, turning the disc a couple of time. Use kitchen paper to absorb the exceeding oil, than dress the fried discs with tomato sauce and Parmigiano.  

The second wish came from my husband and was the Pizza Napoletana. I know that in Naples the so called pizza isn't the same, but we are used to call it this way... As the rest of the world call Bolognese sauce our Ragù :-)


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