Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The versatile Blogger

If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.

Come blogger alle prime armi Grazie a ERHCPE per il suo incoraggiamento! 
I'm a newbe Blogger, so thank you ERHCPE for your support!

VBA Rules:
  •  Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
  •  Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
  •  Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  •  Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

Ed ora le regole del gioco:
  • Ringraziate che vi ha citato. Almeno per cortesia ;)
  • Includete un link al loro blog
  • Poi, nominate e linkate 15 blog che vi sembrano interessanti da segnalare;
  •  scrivete 7 fatti che vi riguardano alla persona che vi ha nominato. 

7 things about me to share:
  1. I love food. I like to cook, to learn, to read about it and also to eat ;P
  2. I love books. I read everything, the genre depends only on my mood
  3. I love pictures. Fix and share moments, that's my blog's essence
  4. I love traveling.
  5. I love the WWW. I was born in 1974, so when I was a teenager there was only one thing that gave you the immediate opportunity to have contact with the rest of the World: Music. Now you can surf and read, see, hear whatever you want from every Globe's corner! 
  6. I love to be a mum.
  7. I collected postcards. I've hundreds of them... Maybe someday they'll become Vintage stuff :D
And now my favorites Blogs (working progress)
  • Maggie Stiefvater 's blog. She wrote "The  Wolves of Mercy Falls" trilogy, the amazing story of Grace and Sam. She's a real talented writer, don't mis Shiver and her posts ;D

  • Lisa's blog thenocturnallibrary. When I'm looking for something to read, I can always count with her reviews for inspiration ;P
  •  Anemone's corner is a fancy blog, rich of very beautiful pictures and ideas
  • Sarachan's blog: bloggoloso is great not only because she can create faboulous cakes, but she wrote very useful and detailed tutorials :D
  • Chiaretta's blog: sprazzidicreativita. She's really a superwoman :-)
to be continued...

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