Friday, March 9, 2012

Callos a la Gallega

First of all, many thanks to my brother in law. He gave us his reserve of Chorizos Gallegos, a fondamental ingredient for this recipe :P
This is a tipical Tapa in Galicia and if you taste Cosme's Callos in La Coruña you'll have a real culinary experience. So delicious...
However, I don't have a specific family recipe for Callos, so I studied some cook books and surfed a little bit in the web. So, this recipe is the conclusion of my research and my husband's comments.

The most important things that you may need to know about Callos is that if you want to eat them on Sunday, you have to start preparing them on Friday :P
Don't be scared, it isn't a difficult recipe. You only have to respect some steps and they need time.

Day one: Before enjoying dried chickpeas, otherwise known as garbanzo beans, you must soak them for 12-18 hours. 

Day two: You can cook Callos, but if you want to fully enjoy them let them rest along the night.

500 gr dried Chickpeas
500 gr Tripe
500 gr Beef *
1 big onion
2 Garlic cloves
1 Chorizo
100 gr chopped Jamon
100 gr chopprd Bacon
3 tbs Tomato sauce
1 ts ground Cumin
2 ts ground Callos Spices
1/2 ts ground Chilli
1 ts ground Paprika
White wine

In a large pot warm up 2lt water, than add chickpeas and tripe. Let them boil and cook for an hour. In the meantime chop finely the onion, Jamon and Bacon. Put three tbs olive oil in a large pan, add the chopped onion and let it cook for a couple of minute. Add all spices, Jamon, Bacon, garlic and stir well all ingredients. sprinkle with with wine and let it dry off.  
Add the mix to chickpeas and garbanzos, than add tomato sauce and parsley. 
cover your pot and let Callos cook for minimum 2 more hours. If tripe and garbanzos aren't soft after this time let everything cook until the texture is good.

 Day three: Warm your Callos and enjoy your meal!

* Well, the traditional recipe tells Marrowbones, but due my fear of BSE I decided to put only the meat.

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