Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Pan Cioc

This is a nice recipe for your breakfast or a good snack for your kids. There are a lot of variations of the same recipe, I used this one and the result was extremely satisfying :P

  • 1 large egg
  •  4 tbs sugar
  •  60 ml oil (I prefer peanut oil)
  •  200 ml milk
  •  50 gr butter
  • Dried yeast for 500 gr flour
  •  500 gr flour
  •  salt
  •  75 gr chocolate drops
I put all ingredients in my KitchenAid and let the dough mix well for min 15 minutes. Let the dough rise for a couple of hours, than prepare small balls (more or less 30 gr) and drop them onto a baking sheet keeping the necessary amount of space between each. Let them rise again two more hours and then bake them for 20 minutes (maybe more, it depends on the own oven) at 180°C.

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