Sunday, April 29, 2012

Delusional Sunday

When a day starts in the wrong way it's difficult to make it good.
The sky was grey and rainy, so we decided to comfort ourselves experimenting a dessert we had days ago in a restaurant: Tortini al cioccolato dal cuore tenero.
I decide to go for this recipe Tortini di Anna Moroni, but it was delusional. We expected to savour a dark, creamy, luxurious dessert and we had Chocolate Sufflé
(From right to left: before cooking, after 8 minutes in the oven and after Kid1 first bite ;P)
I mean, they aren't so bad. It's only that we wanted something different... So  now I'm searching in the www the perfect match with our dreamy Tortino.
I'll keep you informed of my new results :P 

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