Thursday, April 19, 2012

Panino HotDog

Last weeek Kid1 was watching with me a cooking program and he fell in love with this recipe Cuscinetti di wurstel dai Menu di Benedetta.

Today I finally backed them, but I used my recipe for the Milkrolls:

500 gr all purpose Flour
250 ml milk
30 gr butter
1 pkg dried Yeast
2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt

As usual I put all ingredients in my KitchenAid mixer until the dough is uniform. Than I formed a ball and let it raise until it doubled its size. Than I formed four HotDog and with the rest I prepared simple rolls. I let them raise an other couple of hours, than I backed them at 200°C

1 comment:

  1. Oh la la la la la, Silvia, they are so cute !! and they must taste wonderful !!


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