Monday, April 9, 2012

Pan Cioc di Pasta Madre

Since I'm backing breads and cakes prepared with sourdough today I decided to use it for my Pan Cioc.

The little change to my recipe is 130 gr sourdough instead of dried yeast and less milk, 170 ml for me was enough.
I also backed littler balls than last time (50gr instead of  75gr)
The results are:
A longer rising time
A crispier crust
A different dough's flavor, more like bread than cake

I've to say that they are good as the originals, however if you don't have an entire day to bake them go with the first ;P

1 comment:

  1. Well, the day after kid1 commented:" today they aren't soft. I like the others... Don't do this anymore"
    So, since the critic was so strong, in the future I'll bake only the originals ;-)


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