Monday, April 9, 2012

Tigelle express

Did you have an happy Ester meal? 
Actually we had a lot of fun eating traditional lamb in an original way. I thought that maybe kid1 could appreciate better the meat, if  served in an informal way. I had the idea to prepare something like mini kebab bread, that he could stuff with whatever he likes.

I remembered to have seen on a tv program how to make light and fast Tigelle.
So I looked for my notes and here they are:

Ingredients for express Tigelle:
- 430g all purpose Flour
- 1 pack instant backing powder
- 250g natural yogurt
- 40ml water
- 1 teaspoon salt

Remember to prepare those little breads just before your meal, they taste better when are still warm.
Start putting in a big bowl: flour, instant backing powder, water, yogurt and salt. mix well all ingredients until the dough is uniform. Form a ball and let it rest 10 minutes, more or less. Form 20 little balls (35-40 gr) and roll them out forming discs 5 mm thick.
Warm a large nonstick pan and cook the discs three minutes each side.

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